Prof. Nelson O'Ceallaigh Ritschel
Paper title: "Shaw and the 1920s London-Irish Theatre"
Nelson O'Ceallaigh Ritschel's books include Bernard Shaw, Sean O'Casey, and the Dead James Connolly (2021), Shaw, Synge, Connolly, and Socialist Provocation (2011), and Bernard Shaw, W. T. Stead, and the New Journalism (2017). He co-edited Bernard Shaw and the Making of Modern Ireland (2020), as well as guest co-edited Shaw, Journalist, SHAW: The Journal of Bernard Shaw Studies, 41.2, The Eugene O'Neill Review, Spring 2018, and Shaw and Money, SHAW, 36.1. His book chapter "Bernard Shaw" will be published in the forthcoming Sean O'Casey in Context and his chapter "Irish Politics" appeared in George Bernard Shaw in Context (2015). Nelson's recent "Bernard Shaw and the Charles Macdona Partnership" is being published in two parts in SHAW, starting with 43.2 (December 2023). He is Chairperson of Humanities at Massachusetts Maritime, and holds a Ph.D. from Brown University, where he studied with Don Wilmeth, L. Perry Curtis, David Krause, and Spencer Golub.